For this week we had to answer a word document on our final project. Here are the questions and answers.
Which of the words given in the brief document have you selected, and why? |
Division. I chose this topic because I felt that I could do something fun with it. The other themes didn’t really interest me that much on first glance whilst division I had a lot of different ideas straight away. |
What do you want to point your camera at? |
I want to do a selection of images showing how people can have strong preferences on day to day mundane items. This could be the side the toilet roll people prefer it to be or the place they store their ketchup. I don’t want to do anything too serious or overly “pretentious” for the time being. |
Why are you interested in this subject? |
I think it will be funny to research and it is quite fascinating to see what people can get annoyed about, especially things that are seemingly significant. I find it interesting to study people and this would be a potentially fun project to do. |
What do you hope an audience will take from your images? |
Anger. I want the audience to get annoyed by the images, hopefully. And if not, maybe just a laugh out of them? I think it’s important to have a motive to your images if you can, but people will always take away what they want from an image whether it’s what is intended or not. |
What areas of research are you considering to help deepen your understanding of the subject you have chosen? |
I will need to research into petty human squabbles. I will also ask people what annoys them and see what a common ground is. After that, I will need to narrow it down to the most popular common things that everyone gets annoyed by. |
What practitioner(s) or visual resources would you consider to have influenced you? This not have to be photographic. |
This article by the Daily Mail is what inspired my decision. I thought it was quite interesting how widely debated the topic of toilet paper was amongst the world; this triggered a string of other questions I had about what people got into debates and were divided on. |
What support or equipment might you need to achieve your goals? |
Obviously I will need a camera, SD and lighting [as well as a suitable background]; however I don’t think I will need that much more other than the objects that I choose. |